CERTIFIED STAFF – Includes Teachers and/or Administrators
SUPPORT STAFF – Includes Custodians, Educational Assistants, Food Service, Transportation
CO-CURRICULAR – Includes Coaches, Advisors
SUBSTITUTES – Includes Substitutes for specific Support Staff needs.
* We always welcome applications for Substitute Teachers and Educational Assistants.
* This is our Longevity Bonus Incentive for Substitute Teachers
APPLICATIONS may be obtained here.
Are you interested in becoming a SUBSTITUTE TEACHER?
Take advantage of CESA 6’s Substitute Training Opportunities
NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY The Rosendale-Brandon School District, in accordance with federal law, does not discriminate because of the person’s sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability, or handicap in its educational and employment policies and practices.