After reviewing multiple budget forecast scenarios and considering the extensive maintenance needs of District facilities, the Rosendale-Brandon School Board voted unanimously to pursue further development of a plan to consolidate to two buildings.
+ Close Rosendale Primary
+ Close Brandon Elementary
+ Improvements to Rosendale Intermediate for grades 4K-5
+ Improvements to Laconia for grades 6-12
+ Connection road from Rosendale Intermediate to Laconia
In November, Rosendale-Brandon School District residents received a mailer showing multiple budget scenarios that compared the impacts of operational referendum options and capital referendum options. The scenarios shared inadvertently included increases in Fund 10 Revenues which reduced and/or eliminated the budget deficit for the coming years.
The School Board reviewed the updated scenarios at December 19th’s regular board meeting, and they are working to develop an updated plan to address the District’s critical budget and facility concerns. Though disappointed to see greater projected deficits and reduced fund balances, the Board was relieved that all options project lower mill rates for local taxpayers than previous scenarios.
The School Board will hold a special meeting to discuss what referendum question(s) will appear on the April 2023 ballot.
Monday, January 9, 2023 at 7pm
Laconia High School
Contact Superintendent Wayne Weber at referendum@rbsd.k12.wi.us
or by calling 920.872.2851
This District recognizes the uncertainty that students, parents and other residents may experience as we consider the closures of Rosendale Primary and Brandon Elementary. Should either or both buildings close in the future, the School Board is committed to working closely with the Villages and residents to ensure a smooth transition for students, staff and parents, as well as optimal use/reuse of the buildings and sites.
Without additional funding through State aid or an approved referendum, the District’s operating budget is projected to be a deficit each year, as low as ($1,434,589) by 2025-2026. The fund balance by 2025-2026 is projected to be a negative balance of ($2,170,042). A few of our major funding challenges are listed below:
+ The District’s 2022-2023 budget deficit is projected to be ($823,506).
+ State funding has not increased with the rate of inflation/increased operational costs.
From 1998-99 to 2008-09, the revenue limit per pupil adjustment was indexed for inflation each year. The inflation increase was the percentage change, if not negative, in the consumer price index for all urban consumers between the preceding March and the second-preceding March.
Under the 2009-11 Wisconsin State Budget Act, the inflation adjustment was deleted. Per pupil adjustments under revenue, limits were then specified by law in biennial budget acts.
(SOURCE: Legislative Fiscal Bureau Memo, April 2022
+ In 2022, 92 Wisconsin Public Districts have put Operational Referendum questions to vote including Waupun, Ripon, NFDL, and Markesan.
+ In 1993, revenue for Rosendale-Brandon was capped leaving our base revenue lower than higher spending districts at that time.
+ The operating budget alone will not address the maintenance needs within our buildings.
If the District consolidates to two buildings, Rosendale Intermediate and Laconia, the projected savings are as follows: