Reinforcing their commitment to ensuring the District remains a high performing District that is operationally efficient and provides superior educational opportunities for all students today and into the future, the Rosendale-Brandon School Board adopted two referendum resolutions for the April 4, 2023 election.
Operational Referendum
April 4, 2023 Ballot Question 1*
$1,500,000/ year for 2 years (2023-24 & 2024-2025)
How will the Operational Referendum Funds be Used?
Bridge funding gap due to two-year State revenue freeze
Why is the Operational Referendum Needed?
The District is currently faced with a budget deficit. Additional funds are needed to maintain current educational programs and services.
April 4, 2023 Ballot Question 2*
$35,700,000 for facilities improvements
How will the Capital Referendum Funds be Used?
Create a centrally located District campus to serve all students
Why is the Capital Referendum Needed?
We cannot afford to continue to staff, heat, and maintain four aging buildings. Closing Rosendale Primary and Brandon Elementary allows the District to operate more efficiently and put more money into programming for students. Increasing space at Laconia and Rosendale Intermediate maintains optimal class sizes and provides student with spaces that better meet today’s learning needs.
* Each ballot question is voted on independently. Meaning, voters can vote yes to one and no to another, yes to both, or no to both.
Information Sessions:
March 6 at 10am
Rosendale Village Hall
March 6 at 6pm
Laconia High School
March 15 at 6pm
Laconia High School
Have Questions:
Wayne Weber, Superintendent
Question #1- Operating $1,500,000 Annually for Two Years
You can find your FMV on you January 2023 property tax bill. FMV is also known as equalized property value, which equally distributes state, country and local tax between taxpayers
Question #2- Debt- $35, 700,000
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Board Resolution for Recommended Plan
Potential Board Resolution for Referendum
Community Engagement